z ppm-files-required

Required Agreements

To participate, all investors must sign and return two documents to the Company: (1) a Share Subscription Agreement and (2) a Stockholder’s Agreement.

(1) Share Subscription Agreement

The Share Subscription Agreement is basically the contract between the Company and the Investor in which the parties agree to the amount of the investment that will be made by the Investor, and accepted by the Company. There are two forms of the Share Subscription Agreement: one for Accredited Investors (the “Accredited Agreement”) and one for NonAccredited Investors (the “Non-Accredited Agreement.”) You will classify as one or the other based on the criteria below.

(2) Stockholder’s Agreement

The Stockholder’s Agreement contains representations and warranties, and describes in detail certain Shareholder rights and responsibilities. Both “Accredited” and “Non-Accredited” Investors must sign and return the a copy of the Stockholder’s Agreement to the Company.


Before you download the two required documents, you must first determine your investor status by reviewing the guidelines below.

You are an “Accredited Investor” if you are any of the following:

  • an Institutional Investor (such as a bank, S&L, broker-dealer, insurance company, or investment company)
  • a Corporation or Trust with assets in excess of $5 million, and not formed for purpose of making the investment
  • a Director or Officer of Ruaha Energy
  • an Individual with Income > $200,000 or, Joint Income > $300,000, or Net Worth or Joint Net Worth > $1 million
  • any Entity in which all equity owners are Accredited Investors

If you do not meet one or more of the “Accredited Investor” criteria, you are a “Non-Accredited Investor.”

Based on your classification as either an “Accredited Investor” or a “Non-Accredited Investor” you should view and download one of the following:

Download Required Agreements
for “Accredited Investors”
Download Required Agreements
for “Non-Accredited Investors”
I am an*
I am a*
*By clicking on the ‘View & Save’ button you warrant that you are an “Accredited Investor” as that term is defined above. *By clicking on the ‘View & Save’ button you warrant that you are a “Non-Accredited Investor” as that term is defined above.

*The button will open a new window, you can then save the file: by “right-clicking and saving”, or with your browser using “File>Save As…”